365 Photos Week 11

Week 11 2014

It’s been a lovely sunny spring week again, even though we do have a very very windy storm still going on that started Friday night. We’ve been out for lots of walks this week, one day I met up with a friend & we took a very long walk with our babes & lunched outside in the sun. That evening my face looked a tad like a boiled lobster, guess having a baby changed how sensitive my skin is.

I don’t think I’ve shown off the crochet ombre basket I made, I finished it before Christmas. There were a few blogs that posted about the pattern around the same time, the pattern is on Ravelry too. I started it in late autumn, you can probably tell by the colours I choose & I think I have just enough yarn left to make one more, we’ll see…..

On Saturday my mum & I went to a sewing trade fair/expo/convention, whatever you want to call it, in Malmö. This fair has been going for the past 10 years or so & I think we’ve said for the past 7 or 8 years that we should go, but we could never both be free at that weekend for some reason. We were both free last year, but then I was 38 weeks pregnant & had the worst pelvic pain, so I wasn’t really able to walk around for hours.
But this year we finally made it there & we had fun & both spent too much money :D
Of course I bought more fabric & sewing supplies ;P My walk-in closet where I store my fabric has pretty much run out of space, I really need a bigger house, having enough money so I don’t need to go to work & could just stay home sewing all day long would be nice too!

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365 Photos Week 10

Week 10 2014

I finally got my Windows tablet back, Yay! I had to send it to Toshiba in Germany to get fixed, it kept freezing & wouldn’t turn off & annoying stuff like that. So I’m happy to have it back, it makes life a little easier & I’ve missed playing the daily challenges in Mahjong ;)

You see that middle photo, it’s an advert from Ikea for their kitchens & what do I see hidden in the cupboard??? A turquoise vintage sewing machine, I love it, I want it!!!
Oh Ikea, why must you tease me.

If you didn’t already know, The Dressmaking Diaries is part of a sew-along inspired by the wonderful film The Notebook. I’m going to try to join in, I love the clothes in the film & have thought about making something inspired from the film before, so now feels like a good time :D

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Dot-to-Dot Jumper Update

Dot-to-dot crochet jumper WIP Dot-to-dot crochet jumper WIP Dot-to-dot crochet jumper WIP

Please excuse the crappy photos, we only had sunshine for about 10 mins this morning & then fog, fog & more fog!
After 45 cms of crocheting the same pattern round & around & around I finally got to start on the arms. I followed the first bit of the instructions & thought the sleeve seemed very short, even for 3/4 sleeve (can I call it a sleeve if it’s crocheted?), but figured this is how it should be & then the instructions confused me. I’ve had a horrible cold all week & it’s made my brain a bit fuzzy, I think I read & re-read the instructions for half a day & studied the photos a number of times before I worked out that it wasn’t a typo in the instructions.

I was supposed to add more stitches after the “mini sleeve” I had already crocheted. I wish they had added this little detail onto the technical drawing, to me it looked like the jumper should be a T, arms straight out, no shaping at all. But this “mini sleeve” was in fact shaping, so now that I solved that it’s back to repeating the pattern back & forth, but I’m almost done I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! :)

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365 Photos Week 9

Week 9 2014

I started last week with the urge to sort through my fabric stash, I have a small pile of fabrics to sell/donate, but for the most part I can’t downsize my stash. I love my fabrics & I have ideas for most of them, I just need time to make everything ;)
We had our first spring like day, I love spring, all the flowers & sun, lovely stuff. On Wednesday I took a really long walk with my Little L about 7 km, it took us 1 hour & 20 mins, he slept the whole time. I also made home-made chocolate granola, I got the recipe from an old episode on Nigella, it’s good stuff. Both LL & I got a horrible cold at the end of the week, we’re still sick, hate being sick & I never get to be “properly sick” anymore. You know when you can just lay in bed all day watching movies & nurse yourself better & just be selfish, but those days are gone for the next few years, I have LL to look after, even if I’m sick.

My plans to finish crocheting my jumper were a bit too ambitious it seems. I think I’m about half way, just finished to body, now I’m starting on the arms & neckline. Fingers crossed to finishing it before the end of March :D

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365 Photos Week 8

Week 8 2014

Well this past week started off being really crap, I got food poisoning or a 24-hour bug and was up all of Sunday night feeling horribly sick. I think I managed to sleep a total of 3 hours, needless to say the hubby stayed home from work to look after the baby, while I nursed myself back to health.
I’ve already told you about this weeks sewing failure :( still haven’t decided what to do with the pattern yet. I had a lovely day on Saturday, got up early & drove to Malmö to get my hair cut & coloured & then hang out with my best friend for the rest of the day :) It was an awesome day, I’m so happy with my new hairdo, hopefully I won’t need to spend much time styling it, just wash & go!
I bought a pair of baggy jeans, so I at least have one pair of trousers to wear & for once I didn’t buy anything for my son (unless you count birthday party invitations). I also bought myself a cute little green teapot, it says it’s for 2 cups, but my cups are all quite big, so it might fill a cup & a half. I was home in time for dinner & I was so tired when I got home, I’m not used to being out & about like that any more, guess I should start exercising more.

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Leggings Pattern Failure

51/365 2014 by Jagged Rose

This morning I had to chuck two more pairs of RTW leggings. They are not made for crawling around on the floor chasing a 11 month old it seems, lovely big holes on the knees. I’m running out of bottoms to wear, I can’t fit into my old jeans & I’m not really in the mood for spending lots of money on new clothes when my fabric stash is SOOOOO big.
I have this lovely ponte knit that would be perfect for leggings, slighty thicker than the RTW leggings fabric, so it will hopefully last longer. I had a leggings pattern from Burdastyle already printed & cut out in large. I was thinking of making a muslin first in another knit/jersey, but it stretched much more than the ponte, so it didn’t feel worth it & it’s a leggings pattern, how much could there be to alter.
I should have gone with my gut & made a muslin, oh well! At least I only cut out one leg & basted it to try it on. This pattern is so NOT made for my legs, probably be fine for the skinny-legged people of the world, but not for this pear shaped girl. I could get it on, but my leg looked like an overstuffed sausage, not a good look!
There is no outer seam on these, so I can still remake it into a front or back leg piece & I have plenty of fabric left.
Anyone got any good tips on a leggings pattern that is roomy in the thigh area?

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365 Photos Week 7

Week 7 2014

I’ve had a very unhappy little son all week & I have no idea why :(
Do you see my pretty “new” cardigan? :D So much better than that boring beige, now I just need to sew some fun new clothes to wear with it ;)
My issue of Simply Crochet arrived this week, this months free gift was a GIANT Button, I’d love to be able to get more of them, to do something fun. Anyone have any ideas where I should look?

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It only took 3 months to complete my Anna Dress

Anna Dress

Yesterday night I finally finished my Anna Dress & it has not been an easy road I can tell you! I started it just after By Hand London’s sewalong, with the idea that this would be a wearable muslin. Now I wish I made a proper muslin, because I’ve basically made this dress twice! Most patterns fit me without any major alterations, not anymore :(

Wearable muslin Anna Dress - By Hand London Anna Dress

First off, I cut it out in a UK size 18, following my measurements, I should have checked the finished measurements, but apparently I’m not that smart! I also cut it with the v-neck, (slash necks always make me feel like I’m choking). I put it all together with the lovely french seams & tried it on, but it was way too loose, I like a little wiggle room, but that was overkill. So I chopped off about 8 cm on the back seam, before I put in the zipper, I didn’t have an invisible zipper that was long enough, so I did a centered zip. This helped abit, but I wasn’t loving the v-neck, it was too saggy, probably because the whole thing was too big, I’ll give it another go in a smaller size. Instead of just sewing it in on the side seams, I decided to cut a new front bodice in a smaller size & with the slash neck. Enter the next problem……………

Anna Dress Anna Dress

I was smart enough this time to move the bust pleats on the new smaller bodice to match the skirt seams, but even with the slash neck, the back neck was too big. Guess being pregnant has changed my body in more places than my tummy, I should probably make myself a new base pattern, so I can see what other alterations I’m in need of. Anyway, I wasn’t about to cut a new back bodice, not when my zip was in & looking nice, so I just added some darts to fix that problem. I wasn’t in the mood for making a new neckline facing either & as always the slash neck was choking me, so I made some bias tape in the same fabric & used that. I lowered the neck on the front about 4 cm & finished it by hand on the inside (my little son still won’t let me sew on my machine during naptime).
I used the dress today, the fabric wrinkles quite easily, but on the plus side it survived a baby playdate with 9 babies ;) I have some ideas in my head of future Anna dresses, hopefully they won’t take me 3 months each!

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365 Photos Week 6

Week 6 2014

Another dark & dreary week, but it’s getting warmer, the snow has melted away & we had one day with sunshine. Nature seems to think it’s spring already, there are buds on the trees & bushes, snowdrops are starting to blossom & my tulips have started popping up.

I played around with some dye this week, I had a boring beige cardigan from when I was pregnant, but I’m not a huge beige fan. I had removed the tag & didn’t remember if the cardigan was cotton or acrylic, but I figured I’d try my luck. So I bought a plum coloured dye & crossed my fingers, it was a lovely dark colour in the machine, but of course after it dried it was much much lighter. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to leave it the lighter colour or try dyeing it again & hopefully it will get darker, I really like the colour it was in the machine.

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Green Rose Undercover Hood

Green Rose Undercover Hood Papercut Patterns

Green Rose Undercover Hood Papercut Patterns Green Rose Undercover Hood Papercut Patterns Green Rose Undercover Hood Papercut Patterns

Last summer I bought Papercut Patterns undercover hood pattern & around Christmas I squeezed in a bit of sewing time & whipped this together.
I don’t remember when I bought this fabric, it was quite a long time ago & how I’ve felt about it has changed back & forth through the years it’s been in my stash. First I thought it was cool, I love the colour & then I thought it was a bit on the granny side, so it got stashed at the back of my closet. Then when I found it again, I still wasn’t in love with it, but I just CAN’T get rid of fabrics, I saw a pattern for a baby cocoon/bag that I thought it could look cool as, just needed the baby, so I put it in my baby fabric stash. This is years & years ago before the hubby & I even talked seriously about having kids, but I knew we would have a baby at some point. Then when I got pregnant, I dug out my box of baby fabric, but I didn’t feel like it was a baby fabric anymore, I was starting to like the fabric again for myself.
So enter the undercover hood pattern :) I wanted to make it longer, as I’m usually wearing leggings most days & want to hide my butt, but I had limited fabric. And somewhere between the pinning & cutting, I wasn’t thinking properly and ran out of enough fabric to cut the body longer. So I had to improvise with the extra wide bottom band I also skipped the pocket & hood, even if I do love my hoodies. I’ve only worn it twice since finishing it, I forgot that the inside of the fabric is a bit rough, so I need to wear a longer sleeve underneath & I still can’t decide how I feel about the fabric.
What do we think is it a keeper? Is the fabric cool or does it look like it belongs on a 70’s sofa? Oh & please excuse the crappy mobile photos & panda look that I’m sporting, make-up hasn’t been used much in the past year or a hairbrush by the looks on it ;)

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