Are you guys having as much fun with Sewvember as I am?
I’m posting my photos daily on Instagram and Flickr, here’s a recap from last week.
3. Stash
4. WiP
5. Tools
6. You
7. Insides
8. Signature Style
9. Next Project
Are you guys having as much fun with Sewvember as I am?
I’m posting my photos daily on Instagram and Flickr, here’s a recap from last week.
3. Stash
4. WiP
5. Tools
6. You
7. Insides
8. Signature Style
9. Next Project
My lovely friend Amy has made a new Scandi Baby Nest, she was kind enough to send me some photos. If you want to read Amy’s blog post, you can find it here.
But before we have a look, I’d like to say a very big thank you to Amy for all her help with making the pattern, I don’t think I could have done it without her. Thank You Amy!
Isn’t it great!!! :) I love the combination of colours, the mustard bias-tape really pops!
Amy made this as a gift and it’s the perfect gift for a friend or family member that’s expecting if you ask me ;) Here’s a pic of the whole baby nest.
Incase you missed it, here’s Amy’s first baby nest and her blog post about it.
As you can see, it works for cats too and small dogs as well I’m sure ;)
I don’t know where this week has gone and don’t even get me started on weekends, this week started with baby with a fever and has ended with a hubby with a cold and fever.
Bimble and Pimble is running a fun photo challenge on Instagram, search for #bpSewvember and you can read about it here. It’s really helping me with my own 365 day photo challenge, it seems after 7 or 8 months, I sort of lose speed and inspiration a bit. Same thing happened the last year I did this, but I can blame that on getting pregnant and feeling like shit!
So all through November you will get to see sewing and sewing related photos. Bottom right photo is my Sewing Space and the middle photo is Technique, today’s photo is Stash and you all remember my huge stash right?!! ;)
I can say it hasn’t gotten smaller since I took that photo, but is slowly getting organised! :D
Last week was a crazy week, an exam assignment due at school and in the middle of everything I released my Scandi Baby Nest Pdf pattern, needless to say, I was knackered yesterday ;)
I finished painting the second hand Tripp Trapp chair I bought for LL, I am on love with the paint colour, Retro, such a cool name for paint.
I also got fabric I order from Spoonflower, (first time I’ve ordered from them). I’m going to make a dishy bag for LL & his toys!
Finally it’s here, introducing The Scandi Baby Nest Pdf pattern!!!
Available to buy now in my Etsy shop.
So this all started at the end of March 2013, my lovely little son was born and with that, lots of sewing cute little baby items.
Baby nests are commonly used in Sweden, to help newborns feel cosy, snug and safe. LL slept in his nest in between the hubby & I, this was the best solution for us as our bedroom is way too small to fit even a tiny cot.
The great thing about a baby nest is that it’s easy to move around, we could bring it with us when we weren’t home, or put it in his pram, so it wasn’t so big. I also used it in his cot, when we were teaching him to sleep in his own bed, in his own room, it was like a security blanket, something that he could feel relaxed and safe in.
After LL was done with his baby nest, our friends have borrowed it for their little ones and after a year and a half of being used, and washed, it’s still good and ready to be used by the next baby! (No I’m not pregnant again, need to finish school first).
When I found out my friend Amy was pregnant, I sent her a copy of my baby nest pattern and the idea of making a pdf pattern started to brew in my head.
I’ve never made a pdf pattern before, so after some research, I re-drafted my pattern, scanned it, edited, edited again and again and tried to write instructions that made sense. Even though I’m born and raised in England and it’s my first language, I learnt to sew in Sweden and understand Swedish sewing instructions and terms better. So I had to translate my Swedish thinking, into English, if I don’t make sense explaining something, that’s the reason why :)
Ok, back to the actual pattern, it has the usual fabric requirement bits, illustrated instructions and the pattern pieces (which you need to print out on A4 size paper). I will be posting a Scandi Baby Nest tutorial here on the blog in the next few weeks, so please come check it out and if anyone has any questions, please feel free to get in touch. Either leave a comment here on the blog, or on Instagram, I’m on Flickr too.
Hope you enjoy the pattern and I’d love to see your Scandi Baby Nest, if you feel like sharing!
Ugh, what a week, it started off well with school hosting a little party, which was fun. The code we’ve been learning this week, hasn’t been so fun or it will be fun, once I’ve wrapped my head around it. Despite having a cold, again :/ I’ve almost finished painting the second hand Tripp Trapp chair I bought for LL.
Now for the big fun news, I’ve finally finished my pdf pattern for a baby nest :D
The Scandi baby nest will be available to buy in my Etsy shop this coming Thursday. Please pop back on Thursday for a more in depth post about the Scandi baby nest pattern.
My baby nest pattern is back from the testers, just fixing a few more things. Hopefully I’ll have it up for sale this weekend or next week :D
I really don’t like exams! The assignment I’ve been working on was my exam for the first course at school. I’ve been feeling so stressed about it, I was happy with what I sent in, but now I’m worried that it wasn’t good enough. Feeling like this is very typical me, I put a lot of pressure on myself that things like this must be perfect, I can do the same with my sewing :/ Getting sick with a cold didn’t help matters much either, LL has a bit of a cold too & we expect to get plenty of colds, with all the new germs from nursery.
I bought a second hand Tripp Trapp chair for LL, but it needs some fixing. We took it apart & bought pretty colour to paint with called Retro. The funny thing is it matches the outline on my kitchen wallpaper & that wasn’t planned :)
I have an exam assignment due by the end of this week, feels like every waking moment I’m either thinking about that or about my pdf pattern. A little update on the baby nest pattern, it’s with my testers at the moment, so I’m waiting to hear back from them. When I do, I’ll fix anything that needs to be fixed & release it ASAP, keep checking my blog or Instagram for updates.