Category Archives: Inspiration

365 Photos Week 6

Another dark & dreary week, but it’s getting warmer, the snow has melted away & we had one day with sunshine. Nature seems to think it’s spring already, there are buds on the trees & bushes, snowdrops are starting to … Continue reading

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365 Photos Week 5

It’s been another freezing week, snowing pretty much every day. I started crocheting my spring jumper again, if I’m good I’ll finish it by the end of the month :) And because I don’t already have enough to distract me, … Continue reading

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365 Photos Week 4

It’s been seriously freezing this past week, I have been wrapped up in multiple layers of clothes & have still been cold. We had a little flicker of blue skies on Friday & Saturday, I think it’s been almost a … Continue reading

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365 Photos Week 3

Monday was freezing & we got some snow, Tuesday night the snow was gone & while I was out walking on Wednesday I saw snowdrops, they seem to think it’s spring already. On Thursday it snowed again, heavy snow, I … Continue reading

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365 Photos Week 2

Another week over & it’s time for life to get back to normal, my hubby goes back to work today, so it’s just me & the baby. I kicked them both out of the house one day & got a … Continue reading

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5/365 2014

Just your typical grey Sunday afternoon, playing Mahjong. I thought I’d give the 365 days photo thing a go again. I did this in 2012, this time I’ve joined a Flickr group for the added push to complete it. So … Continue reading

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4/365 2014

Mini mini Le Creuset pots, only 6 cm :)

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3/365 2014

“Be running up that road, Be running up that hill, Be running up that building, If only I could”

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2/365 2014

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1/365 2014

It’s been a busy Christmas & New Years, spent with family & friends. I wonder what 2014 has in store for me?………….

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