I know you’ve seen this skirt before, but while I was taking photos for the International Anna Party, I decided to get some better photos of it. I still haven’t worn this skirt out properly, because I’ve had problems finding things that match, the base colour is a really dark aubergine, not a dark blue as I thought! I like to be colour coordinated and as the skirt already has so many colours, I don’t want to add another couple of colours into the mix. So I’d like to have a top that matches one of the colours in the skirt & also tights that match the top so I can wear it when it gets cold – not that this summer has been warm :(

While I was having a bit of a wardrobe/house purge over the last month, I noticed that a jersey skirt I made years and years ago matched the green in the Cleménce skirt very well and I remembered I had some left in my stash. So I dug it out and figured I should have enough to for a Hemlock tee (Yes I like my Hemlock tees), I cut out the front first and then realised I didn’t quite have enough for the back. Time to get crafty….. I played around with the leftovers and managed to piece together the bits to make a back, even if some bits are cross grain because it’s jersey I don’t really notice, quite pleased with that hack!
Now I just need to find some tights that match (or make my own if I can find the same or matching fabric). I have pretty green heels that work with the green tee, not that I wear my heels, other than for photo shoots ;)