This is my first time participating! But I have been following Me-Made for the last couple of years, I thought about joining before, but something always got in the way. This year I’ve been trying to challenge myself to do things I wouldn’t normally do, like enter competitions & apply to be in the Swedish version of the Sewing Bee.
So Damn it, this year I’m joining in! Even if my wearable handmade wardrobe is lacking, I have a fabric stash big enough to fill it up, I just need some sewing time ;)
What I do have is lots of handmade garments for parties or a few hundred years ago, things that need altering to fit my post-pregnancy body & crocheted winter-time garments. Which is why I’m being easy on myself with my pledge, but also giving myself a challenge! Hopefully after this I will have a wardrobe that’s more wearable for my day to day life, not just the imaginary life I’ve made clothes for! ;P
I, Jennie of, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’14.
I endeavour to wear at least one handmade/refashioned item five days/week for the duration of May 2014 & to finish all of my current UFO’s by the 31st of May.
If you want to follow me, I’ll be posting daily on Instagram & in the Me-Made-May’14 Flickr pool, my own Flickr & weekly updates here on the blog :)