Last summer I bought Papercut Patterns undercover hood pattern & around Christmas I squeezed in a bit of sewing time & whipped this together.
I don’t remember when I bought this fabric, it was quite a long time ago & how I’ve felt about it has changed back & forth through the years it’s been in my stash. First I thought it was cool, I love the colour & then I thought it was a bit on the granny side, so it got stashed at the back of my closet. Then when I found it again, I still wasn’t in love with it, but I just CAN’T get rid of fabrics, I saw a pattern for a baby cocoon/bag that I thought it could look cool as, just needed the baby, so I put it in my baby fabric stash. This is years & years ago before the hubby & I even talked seriously about having kids, but I knew we would have a baby at some point. Then when I got pregnant, I dug out my box of baby fabric, but I didn’t feel like it was a baby fabric anymore, I was starting to like the fabric again for myself.
So enter the undercover hood pattern :) I wanted to make it longer, as I’m usually wearing leggings most days & want to hide my butt, but I had limited fabric. And somewhere between the pinning & cutting, I wasn’t thinking properly and ran out of enough fabric to cut the body longer. So I had to improvise with the extra wide bottom band I also skipped the pocket & hood, even if I do love my hoodies. I’ve only worn it twice since finishing it, I forgot that the inside of the fabric is a bit rough, so I need to wear a longer sleeve underneath & I still can’t decide how I feel about the fabric.
What do we think is it a keeper? Is the fabric cool or does it look like it belongs on a 70’s sofa? Oh & please excuse the crappy mobile photos & panda look that I’m sporting, make-up hasn’t been used much in the past year or a hairbrush by the looks on it ;)