Another week over & it’s time for life to get back to normal, my hubby goes back to work today, so it’s just me & the baby. I kicked them both out of the house one day & got a whole 6 hours to spend some quality time with my sewing machine :D More on what I was sewing later!
You see that cute panda mug, that was my new years present to myself.
I’m Panda is an expression we use here at home, when I’m tired I get the dark rings around my eyes (I think I always have them, even before the baby). So anyway, somehow we started using “Panda” as an expression, panda, very panda, zombie panda……. I saw the mug & thought Must Have! But it was not meant to be it seems, on it’s second day of being used, it cracked all down the handle side, across the bottom & half way up the other side. All I did was pour in hot water, OK I drink a lot of tea, but not that much, I got my money back at least.