I don’t know where this week has gone and don’t even get me started on weekends, this week started with baby with a fever and has ended with a hubby with a cold and fever.
Bimble and Pimble is running a fun photo challenge on Instagram, search for #bpSewvember and you can read about it here. It’s really helping me with my own 365 day photo challenge, it seems after 7 or 8 months, I sort of lose speed and inspiration a bit. Same thing happened the last year I did this, but I can blame that on getting pregnant and feeling like shit!
So all through November you will get to see sewing and sewing related photos. Bottom right photo is my Sewing Space and the middle photo is Technique, today’s photo is Stash and you all remember my huge stash right?!! ;)
I can say it hasn’t gotten smaller since I took that photo, but is slowly getting organised! :D